
Friday, May 27, 2016

Holy Hell What Have I Done?! A full Hawaii!!!

OMG OMG OMG!!!  I mean did you hear me scream OMG?! I can't believe what I just did...I registered for my first full marathon!!!  I don't know what I was thinking but for my birthday this year I am going to run my first full marathon in Honolulu, Hawaii! 

I mean 26 point 2 miles.
From one side of the island to the other.
Going around Diamond Head...and back!
Again...did I mention 26 point 2 miles on my feet?!
I'm already tired thinking about this...but excited...but tired!

While I sit here and think that I am crazy as hell for doing this there are so many reasons why I know that I am going to be able to do this because of so many things that have changed in my life over the past few months.  I know that everyone says "...if I just train hard then things will fall into place and I can overcome any obsticle that I put my mind too..." {sure this is true but there is so much more to it in my opinion...nothing worth doing is easy and running a marathon or even contemplating the idea of running a marathon is EASY! F*^K You if it is a light Sunday afternoon stroll...actually could you give me some training points!?} but I find myself more motivated when I have a community behind me, when I am being motivated and I am returning that motivation back, when my words matter and actions speak volumes to show people that the impossible can happen...and let's face it the idea of me running a marathon goes right along the lines with the word impossible!

Okay so yeah, a marathon, what the hell am I thinking!?!?!  Look at this course map!

That's like the entire length of the island and back right?! No no, I know that it's not...but it is a long ways.  I am happy that I have until December to train for it, I'm thankful I know people going and will be rocking this out with me and I am speechless when it comes to those who support and cheer me on - people that I never expected it from, people I've never met but would love too and people that may not understand what I do but have an open heart.

Beyond running the full marathon on 12/11/2016 I am also doing the 1 Mile race distance the day before...and it is cracking me up because people are like "OMG you are running a race before you do a full marathon...I could never!" {OMG it's a me crazy if I said I was going to do a full and a half in the same weekend - actually if I ever say that then please come and lock me up because I am CRAZY!} ...but it is only a mile, I would do that walking around the city doing nothing at all so why not earn an extra medal {HEHE BLIIIIIIIIIING}.

The next 200-ish days are going to fly by, they are going to be here before I know it so I am thankful that I have amazing running buddies who have given me an amazing training plan to get me ready which brings me to another point...I am not scared to do it! That to me is something that I never thought I would say...mainly because each and every time I step up to the starting line of a half marathon I am so nervous I could puke...{Don't worry I never do, but the nerves set in none the less}.

Okay, so today is my blogging day and I just needed to make that announcement that you know I'M CRAZY AND RUNNING A FULL MARATHON!!!!  I'll be back again later with more...but while I'm away leave me a comment!  What was your first marathon? How did you train?  Any tips for this first timer?! ...any help is welcome :D

aka Nutmegz
HF 12033

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