
Monday, May 2, 2016

Computer Nerd...Half Marathoner...and More?!?

So the girl in that pic is me! Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Meg...

I look way cooler than I am in that pic...but hey a nerdy computer girl needs live it up when she can right?  I am a PNW native and am living the story that you have probably heard a thousand times over, the one that goes something like this...

I used to be really big in to sports but then I got married, had kids, blah blah blah and life happened and before I knew it I didn't look like myself or feel like myself anymore because I was the size of a blimp...So I started running.

Well, that story is's true...and there is nothing easy about first admitting that you need to do something to change your life and then actually doing it.  I have been working on a better me for about a year now and let's just say that I am no where near my goal yet.  Pizza, cupcakes and a love for everything crap TV is always what I call my anchors...they sometimes overcome the need and/or want to actually get up and go for a run, ride or swim...even when I know that I need too - BADLY!!
One thing that I found when I joined the community of runners that are all around me is that they are the best supporters in the world, even if you have never met them before.  Some of my best friends are people that I have never met - CRAZY, but amazing all at the same time!!!  

So, I am writing this blog because I believe that one person can make a difference to someone, and that difference could mean them succeeding or failing.  I believe that it doesn't matter what your finish time is as long as you cross that finish line...but I also believe that I never want to run a half marathon in just under 4 hours ever again (that race SUUUUUCKED).  I believe that we are all human and cupcakes & hamburgers happen, it's what happens next that matters.  I believe in shameless selfies, bling and post race beer!  And I believe more than anything that if you are trying to change your life & your story you will fail many many many times but getting back on track is all that matters.

I hope that my weekly workout reports, race reports, travel tips and just my thoughts will help someone believe that they can do it...that and I'm sure that many of you will think that I am crazy by the end of this! isn't fun when you can only describe it as boring, right?!


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